Harmony v3 Drivers and System Services on SAM E70/S70/V70/V71: Step 2

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 09:08

Configure Timer System Service

Under the bottom left Available Components tab, expand Harmony > System Services.

Double-click or drag and drop Time to add the Timer System Service to the project graph.

Timer System Service

A popup window will appear, select the option as shown in the accompanying image.

Core Component Activation PopupFreeRTOS Component Auto-Activation Popup

Harmony v3 MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) by default adds the FreeRTOS block when a project with Harmony Core (Drivers and System Services) is developed. Since this application is not intended to be developed using FreeRTOS, the FreeRTOS block is not activated as shown in the above figure.

TimerSYS Core added

Associate the Timer System service to Timer Instance 0 (TC0) by right-clicking on the red diamond as shown in the accompanying image.

Timer System ServiceTimerSYS TC Connected

Select TC0 Peripheral Library and notice the default configuration by expanding Channel 0.

TC default

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Configure I²C Driver and I²C pins

Under the Available Components tab, expand Harmony > Drivers.

  • Select and double-click on I²C to add the I²C driver to the project.

Select and double-click on I²C to add the I²C driver to the projectI2C driver project graph

  • Associate I²C driver with I²C instance 0 (TWIHS0) peripheral by right clicking on the red diamond.

I2C driver instanceI2C driver project graph PLIB linked

  • Click on Instance 0 under I2C Driver to view the Configuration Options. Change the Number of Clients to 2.

I2C driver client changes

  • The above configuration allows the same instance of driver to be used by two different clients. The first application client interfaces with the Temperature Sensor and the second application client interfaces with the EEPROM.
  • The Number of Clients for each driver instance is automatically set to one. MHC assumes a minimum of one client for each instance of the driver.

I2C driver multiclient

If the application had two or more devices that were interfaced through different I²C peripherals, then the driver had to be configured to enable multiple instance support. Multiple instance support is enabled by clicking on the + sign on the I²C driver block. Every click on the + sign adds a new instance to the driver. Each instance can be configured separately. 

  • Select TWIHS0 Peripheral Library and notice the default configuration by expanding Hardware Settings.

 TWIHS0 Peripheral Library

The TWIHS0 (I²C) retains the default 400 kHz speed because the temperature sensor chip and EEPROM on I/O1 Xplained Pro Extension Kit can operate at 400 kHz I²C speed.

Open the Pin Configuration tabs by clicking MHC > Tools > Pin Configuration.

Open pin configuration

Select the MHC Pin Settings tab and sort the entries by Ports as shown in the accompanying image.

TWIHS pins setup

Now, select the MHC Pin Table tab and then scroll down to the TWIHS0 module as shown in the accompanying image.

  • Enable I²C Clock (TWIHS0_TWCK0) on PA04 (Pin #77)
  • Enable I²C Data (TWIHS0_TWD0) on PA03 (Pin #91)

TWIHS pins setup

This completes the configuration of the I²C driver. The application code will use the I²C driver Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to read the temperature from the temperature sensor and store it in EEPROM. The application also retrieves last five temperature values stored in the EEPROM.

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Configure Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) Driver and USART pins

Under the Available Components tab, expand Harmony > Drivers.

  • Double-click on USART to add the USART driver to the project.

USART driver selectUSART driver project graph

  • Associate USART Driver with USART instance 1 (USART1) peripheral by right clicking on the red diamond.

USART driver instanceUSART driver project graph PLIB linked

  • Click on Instance 0 under USART Driver to view the Configuration Options. Select the Use DMA for Transmit check box.

I2C driver instance changes

  • The USART driver is configured to operate in Direct Memory Access (DMA) mode (DMA is used to transfer data from memory to the USART TX register).
  • The DMA Channel for Transmit is selected by default by the driver as channel 0. The user does not have to do any further DMA configurations. The driver internally takes care of all the DMA-specific configurations
  • The USART RX (receive) operations happen in non-DMA mode (Regular Interrupt mode).
  • Select the USART1 Peripheral Library in the Project Graph and configure it for USART protocol, including setting the baud rate to 115200 Hz.

USART PLIB configuration

Select the Pin Table tab and then scroll down to the USART1 module as shown in the accompanying image.

Enable USART_TX on PB04 (Pin #105).
Enable USART_RX on PA21 (Pin #32).

USART pins setup

The application will use the USART driver for printing messages on the serial terminal and receiving input from the user to retrieve the last five stored values from the EEPROM.

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